City Center
24th of April or 25th of May

Guiding you towards volunteer work

Do you live in the city centre of Amsterdam and would you like to contribute to your community? Volunteer work is the way to meet new people, learn about Dutch culture and make a difference in the causes you care about. From gardening to organizing movie nights, doing clean ups or being the host at a community centre. There are many different options to choose from, based on your interest, talents and available time.

Learn about opportunities

Would you like to learn about the opportunities of volunteer work and meet inspiring organizations in the city centre? Join the Voluntour of the city centre on April 24th or May 25th. During a 2.5 hour guided tour you’ll hear the stories of organizations in the city center that make a difference, afterwards there will be drinks where you can ask questions and sign up directly to start volunteering!

When & Where

  • April 24th 14.30 at Kunstruim (Jodenbreestraat 25)
  • May 25th 14.30 at Starbikes (De Ruijterkade143)

Both tours finish at 17.00 with drinks at community center of OKP30 and We Live Here (Oudekerksplein 30) 

This tour is free.

Please sign up.

This tour is made possible by Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam, Fonds voor Centrum and various neighborhood organizations in the city centre. 

Voluntour Flyer

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Voluntour - Guiding you towards volunteer work